• Insider
    5 Feb 2019, 9:31 p.m.

    Firstly I want to say THANK YOU to the powers that be that selected me to
    be a part of this epic event. When I first applied (at the urging of a couple
    of good friends) I really had no expectations of being selected. I am truly
    honoured and grateful for the opportunity.

    Also THANK YOUto IWC for taking the time to host and include the
    Collectors in one of your biggest and busiest events of the year.

    A BIG THANK YOU also goes to the Collectors in attendence, new and
    veterans alike, and even some who were there on their own accord and not part
    of the "official" Collectors Meeting group. People have asked me what was
    most memorable about my trip and my first and simplistic answer is, "The
    people". Thank you for welcoming me in and making me feel like part of the
    group. You all have played a role in making this such an epic and memorable
    experience for me.

    I likely didn't take as many pics as I would have liked to. Being as this was
    my first time at SIHH, I wanted to absorb as much as I could without having
    distraction of feeling like I had to photo document everything. The watches
    are the centre piece of this event and by now eveyone has seen them via some
    form of online media or in person. So I'm going to try and document my
    experience without overlaping the pics that Ben has already posted. Here

    The trek to Geneva from Canada was a bit of a "milk run" but at least I had
    good company....

    After the long journey to Geneva I was welcomed at my hotel with a little
    fanfare. Four policemen to arrest one guy, can't be that bad can it?

    I was pretty exhausted from the journey so I decided to have a quiet night in
    to rest but not before having dinner at Parfums de Beyrouth, a local Lebanese
    restaurant (conveniently half a block from the hotel) as recommended by a good

    The next morning, without anything on the itinerary, I decided to check out
    the sights at the Palexpo and see what I could see and meet who I could meet.

    First celeb sighting.... long time forum member Mr. Andrew Thomas

    And the star of the show.... The Silver Spitfire with a little photobomb by a
    Safari. Amazing that they brought the actual plane that will making the around
    the world flight.

    Second celeb sighting of the day and ulitmate IWC fan boy moment..... The
    meeting of Herr Kurt Klaus. Such a kind and genuinely nice person. Still
    didn't stop me from gushing and being a fan boy everytime I saw him. More on
    that later.....

    An interesting event on the day's schedule was a panel discussion hosted by
    James Holland, Silver Spitfire pilots Matt Jones and Steve Brooks as well as
    Christian Knoop, The Creative Director at IWC. Through a little mix up in
    location I almost missed this event. So glad I made it. You could really feel
    their passion and excitement for the upcoming journey and the Spitfire. The
    entire video is on IWC's FaceBook page.

    On the way back to the booth and even MORE importantly the booth bar/lounge
    which would become the staging point for meet ups for the course of the week.
    Who do I run into? Long time forum member, Red Bar Co-Founder and all round
    nice guy (I wasn't supposed to tell anyone the last part) Adam Craniotes. Bald
    will play a significant role in IWC SIHH 2019.

    I decided to head back to the hotel unitl I ran into Ben and Mark F (who had
    just gotten in). A quick drink turned into a few hours with a host of IWC
    employees and collectors popping by occasionally. Mark and I even met with a
    representative of the Saint-Exupery family. It was a valued few hours of great
    conversation and new friendships. (myself front and centre, Mark F on the
    left, Peter from HK on the right and Ben in the back)

    Everyone talks about what amazing booths IWC creates for SIHH every year. The
    grand scale of it is mind boggling....I'm sitting indoors, at a bar (which
    also has amazing coffee by the way), with a freaking Spitfire behind me.....

    When an IWC exec comes up behind you and says, "Now that's a picture..." you
    take the picture.....

    The night ended with a very generous inviation to dinner at Cafe de Paris from
    Ben, Mark F and our esteemed forum moderator Tonny. I had a great time gents.
    Thank you again.

    To be continued tomorrow.... the IWC Gala

  • Master
    5 Feb 2019, 9:56 p.m.

    Well done and to think it is your first report on a SIHH event. It is a true
    honor to be invited. More importantly,it is the place to meet old and about
    to be new friends. Thanks for the tour.

  • Connoisseur
    5 Feb 2019, 11:47 p.m.

    Great read, Clem! Looking forward to part 2... Next year we go together!!


  • Graduate
    6 Feb 2019, 9:38 a.m.

    Awesome read, Clem! Thanks a million for sharing. CanĀ“t wait to get more of
    that kind of impressions!

    Hope to be lucky enough to attend next year, too.

  • Master
    6 Feb 2019, 1:06 p.m.

    Nice pics and commentary, Clem! I enjoyed the "tour!"

  • Insider
    6 Feb 2019, 6:20 p.m.

    Thanks for the responses. I'm glad the four of you enjoyed Part 1 ;-)


    Well I was hoping that the itch in my throat that I felt before leaving to
    Geneva was a passing thing but I guess that was wishful thinking. I 'm always
    the last one to contract the plague in my house and unfortunately this was no
    exception. The lack of sleep and the hours in the "flying viral incubator
    tube" likely didn't help matters either. In any regard, I developed a bit of a
    cough and was still a bit jet lagged so I decided to take it easy and try and
    sleep the cold away. The Gala didn't start until late and by all acounts today
    was the day that the celebs and ambassabors toured the booth so it was closed
    off for a good part of the day anyways.... too much information yet?

    Looking back, I actually have more video than pictures from Gala night but
    most of those are covered in Ben's thread.

    At the meeting spot (aka the IWC lounge) what do we see? More Collectors and
    some Safaris

    Micahel Freidberg, Erwin Chu and myself

    When you check in at the Palexpo Hangar for the Gala you trade your "Golden

    For your personalized "boarding card"

    As you make your way to the main hall you pass the red carpet.... they
    wouldn't let us on for some reason but I did find me some REAL VIPs in the

    From L to R: Anthony (aka Black Sheep Hemsworth), Ethan Hawke (aka Cody L look
    alike), Erwin C, Mark F. and myself.

    In the main hall which will act as the after party venue post dinner we are
    treated to a great selection of appetizers and alcohol... yes please!!

    I'm sure just about everyone has seen the grand call to dinner with the
    dancers and rock music that lead you into the dining room. No? Maybe I'll
    upload the video one day. In any regard by rough estimation there are about
    800+ guests for the Gala event. EIGHT HUNDRED PLUS!!!

    I must say IWC knows how to throw a party.

    "The menu with no choices" sounds like a Harry Potter novel..

    The earplugs to which no one realized were to be used for the grand entrance
    of one of the Longest Flight pilots in a RUNNING Spitfire!!!!

    The table map to where the speculators... I mean Collector's were trying to
    figure out where the Silver Spitfire would stop.

    As I've said before the greatness of this experience wouldn't have been made
    possible without the people...

    SC, Michael F and myself

    "The Commonwealth" St. John, Nad, Ethan and myself (missing Mark F and "Black
    Sheep Hemsworth")

    The Asian remake of the movie "Twins" that starred Arnold Schwarzenegger and
    Danny Devito. You decide who is who...

    The traditional Collector's photo with Ms. Karolina Kurkova. What a beautful
    person inside and out. You have to respect and admire how she took the time to
    take the
    group photo and even made time for individual photos with each Collector that
    was STILL there (ahem Cody ;-) ) as well as some fun posed shots all the while
    seeming to genuinely want to be there.

    and finally the Collector's got their moment on the red carpet albeit with no
    photographers except ourselves... remember how I said bald was a recurring

    and the signal it was time to fly home for the night...

    Tomorrow..... Collector's Day

  • Connoisseur
    6 Feb 2019, 7:36 p.m.

    Awesome report Clem! It's great with all the details and the site notes!
    Looking forward to the collectors day.

  • Master
    6 Feb 2019, 8:19 p.m.

    Awesome indeed. Brings back fond memories of my day in the sun.

    All alone in the moonlight
    I can smile at the old days
    Life was beautiful then
    I remember
    The time I knew what happiness was
    Let the mem'ry live again


    Touch me
    It's so easy to leave me
    All alone with my mem'ry
    Of my days in the sun
    If you touch me
    You'll understand what happiness is
    Look a new day has begun

  • Insider
    6 Feb 2019, 10:10 p.m.

    HAHAHAHAHA Bill if that's all it takes for a serenade I will post more often!!

  • 7 Feb 2019, 11:28 a.m.

    Love your post Clem, keep the pictures coming

  • Graduate
    7 Feb 2019, 11:36 a.m.

    Amazing memorries thanks for the pics and post Clem

  • Graduate
    7 Feb 2019, 3:48 p.m.

    Great report!

    thanks for sharing!


  • Insider
    7 Feb 2019, 7:03 p.m.


    The morning starts earlier than most but just early enough to enjoy a cup or
    two of that amazing coffee at the booth and possibly a pastry... or
    two...before the days events begin.

    Collectors Assemble!!

    It's time.... Dr. David Seyffer begins herding the sheep upstairs so he can
    present his welcome speech and a little bit of IWC pilot watch history.

    A nice personal welcome from Mr. Christoph "the Boss" Grainger-Herr and a view
    of the Silver Spitfire from the other side. It's starting to get busy.
    OBSERVATION: The Timezoner is playing a part in the booth design. Bravo to
    design team.

    Off to the SIHH Lab. Dr. Seyffer shows us a bit of R&D history and prototypes
    of IWC's foray into different and innovative materials. Dr. Lorenz Brunner of
    the Innovation & Pre-Development department explains to us the process used to
    "create" Ceratanium.

    After the demonstration, we break for brunch. I won't get into those pics as
    Ben has already done a great job of covering those.

    After brunch we have a scheduled "Production Presentation + Touch & Feel". It
    sounds dirty but I like it because of all the tingly anticipation. We are
    invited to what I like to call the war room.

    Once all the touchy, feelies are done we are invite to take some professional
    group and individual portraits with the Silver Spitfire.... Sidenote: these
    are not my photos but one of the photographers at the booth.

    and we would be remiss without highlighting a special appearance from a trio
    of CFAT/CF4s

    So now we break before dinner. A few of us decided to grab a beverage before
    heading back to our respective hotels to rest and freshen up. A couple of 8%
    alcohol IWC beers should do the trick...

    To continue on our bald journey may I present Mr. Martin Dohrmann and I on the
    shuttle back to central Geneva and our hotels.

    ....and the 15 images per post interlude....

  • Insider
    7 Feb 2019, 8:19 p.m.


    I forgot to includes this part which occured before heading back to the hotel.
    One of my goals for this trip was to meet and have Herr Klaus (who is also
    bald(ing) sign my Big Pilot Top Gun Perpetual Calendar manual.... Mission
    Accoplished... (Side note: He's using a Porsche branded pen for those
    following the recent Porsche Design threads on the forum)


    Pre-Dinner meet up is at the Geneva boutique before we head over to Les
    Aviateurs next door. Some gratuitous sight seeing inside the booth and some
    delicious aperitifs.

    Mr. Jones and me, and brief musical interlude in honour of Bill Barker.

    Mr. Jones by The Counting Crows

    "I was down at the New Amsterdam
    Staring at this yellow-haired girl
    Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation
    With a black-haired flamenco dancer
    You know, she dances while his father plays guitar
    She's suddenly beautiful
    We all want something beautiful"

    We migrate to Les Aviateurs, dinner is a standing style where Collectors and
    the IWC execs in attendance (who graciously took the time out of their busy
    schedules) are encouraged to mingle. It is a truly spectacular experince to
    have the opportunity to interact with these people who play key roles in
    designing and building these watches we are so passionate about.

    A great speech from our forum moderator Tonny. This man exudes charm and
    charisma..... and HUMOUR!!!

    The wonderful and magnificent Clizia (and myself), who has been responsible
    for our rag tag group for the past few days. Her patience knows no bounds
    (that I have seen) and such a genuinely beautiful person inside and out.

    One thing I learned about an IWC Exec: Dr. David Seyffer has an amazing
    passion for the TV show "Ice Pilots". (if you've never heard of it, google it)
    When I say amazing, I mean the man speaks about that show with as much passion
    and vigor as he does about IWC history... possibly even more. Don't believe
    me? If you ever meet him just mention the show to him...

    Post dinner night cap was hosted by Andrew Thomas. I was truly honoured to be
    included in the group and Andrew was a magnificent host. T'was an evening with
    great laughter and friendship.

    Unoffical Collectors Dinner

    Thursday/the next day was uneventful for the most part. For those still in
    town theres a Traditional "Unoffical Collectors Dinner". Still battling my
    cough/cold I decided to rest for most of the day and head out a couple of
    hours before dinner to sight see.

    Prior to dinner there was a call out to see who was around and a few of us
    decided to meet up at Les Aviateurs for a drink.

    St. John, Nad and Myself (missing Adam C)

    After dinner, long time member and RedBar co-Founder Adam helps direct us in
    the subtle art of the "table shot"

    To end the night.... a photo I like to caption: "The final moments right
    before Mark F was mugged at a Geneva ATM (by two bald guys)"

    So I've kind of zipped through this day partly because Ben has covered most of
    it himself but also because the next day is a very important day (to me and 3
    others) in this adventure. I'm going to need my image posting allowance
    dedicated to it. It's something we like to call, "The Pilgrimage"

  • Master
    7 Feb 2019, 10:11 p.m.

    Great photos Clem, thanks for sharing! It's always fun to see through someone
    else's perspective. It was fantastic to meet you as well, it is great people
    like yourself that make this such an amazing experience. So which of the
    novelties caught your fancy? I really like the new double chrongraph in

  • Insider
    7 Feb 2019, 10:40 p.m.

    Thanks Ben!!

    Loving the Big Pilot Rodeo Drive PC, The Spitfire UTC, The Timezoner, Top Gun
    double chrono, as well a few others.

    Like a friend of ours like to constantly say, "No Money" HAHA

  • Apprentice
    8 Feb 2019, 4:51 p.m.

    Wonderful post, Clem! You can't not smile when reading through your experience
    and seeing your photos. Thank you for sharing. I know it was a fantastic
    adventure that has made a significant impact on you.

    Cheers Brother!!

  • Insider
    8 Feb 2019, 5:12 p.m.


    Prior to leaving for SIHH/Geneva there was some interest from/for those with
    availability in their schedule to make a pilgrimage to the IWC
    Mothership/HQ/Museum and the new Manufakturzentrum. Much thanks belong to Mark
    F for spearheading the initiative and to Clizia and Dr. Seyffer from IWC for
    making the arragements for our visit. Sadly there was a little caveat.... we
    needed to be in Schaffhausen by 9:00 ish AM to meet our guide and
    trasportation for a 9:30 tour booking at the Manufakturzentrum. To make this
    work we needed to catch the 4:51 AM train for a four hour ride to

    So now I have this curse that where no matter where it is or where I'm going,
    I cannot sleep the night before a trip. Normally this isn't an issue except
    for the fact that my cough/cold has progressed to the point that I've lost
    about 85-90% of my voice.... my travel mates likely won't be complaining about
    that. ;-)

    No matter what I'm not missing this trip. SIHH has already checked of so many
    items on my bucket list and this trip to Schaffhausen will check off so many
    I will tough this out and I'm glad I did.....

    As much as it would have been great to experience this trip with the entire
    Collectors Group, I couldn't have asked for better travel companions.

    On the morning train from L to R: myself, Black Sheep Hemsworth, St. John and
    Mark F (along with some unimpressed and unenthusiastic commuters)

    The beautiful Swiss countryside and a GORGEOUS sunrise over the Rheinfall

    After a quick pee break (a funny interchange with an Irish fellow about the
    merits of leaving the Commonwealth and removing the Queen from our respective
    currencies in the public washroom..) and a coffee and pastry we make our way
    to the Mothership....

    To be continued..... once my daily image limit resets......