• Graduate
    9 Aug 2018, 9:40 a.m.

    Hi guys, 
    hope you are on vacations or at least have an air condition in the office. =)

    I´m kinda new to the watch-world and just startet a year ago. Now with the next, big purchase ahead, I´m a bit confused where to buy. 

    Got my first watch (Junghans) from my late father. 

    I bought my first mechanical watch (IWC Portugieser) at an AD nearby. Was okayish, got a little discount, but not very personal and not very competently.

    Bought the second mechanical watch at anohter AD nearby (Omega Speedmaster) which was a great experience, decent discount, with a little watch talk and nice service. Unfortunately they don´t offer IWC.

    Third mechanical watch (IWC Pilot Chrono) was bought via Ebay marketplace (hope thats what its called in English). Good price indeed and had to do it as I wanted to have the one with triple day date which was no longer available at an AD. 

    This year I got a nice little bonus at work, so I thought about treating myself with the IWC Big Pilot LPP which I ever wanted and the new model looks stunning to me. I might add a dive watch on top of it - thinking about an Aquatimer or Tudor Pelagos. 

    Now, finally, the question. Where shall I buy it. 
    Option A: The IWC AD where I bought the Portugieser is my last choise at the moment as they even did not know that the strap on the BP is from Santoni. Also they dont have an Aquatimer on stock and wont order one for me. They had a last one within the group - sent it to the AD nearby but when I wanted to make an appointment they already sold it without giving me a chance to buy it. 

    Option B: Grey market  - but thats not really an option for me for buying such an expensive and nice watch.

    Option C: IWC Boutique in Munic. Got the contact to the Boutique manager through the German IWC Instagram account. Very nice contact (bought some straps there via phone and mail) and they have all the watches I´m looking for (except the Tudor of course, but thats okay). 
    But Munic would mean traveling from one side of the country to the far other side. Also guess there is no discount possible or just very little. 
    On the other hand everybody is praising the great service, kind sales staff and buying experince of course. 

    Option D: Another watch freak I met on Instagram introduced me to Bucherer in Hamburg. They have all 3 watches I´m looking at and are just 2 hours away. Not sure if there is going to be a discount possible and how the sales staff is. But the guy told me he got invited to Schaffhausen after buying a watch there and he had the awesome chance to fly with the IWC JU-52 ... 

    What would you prefer? I would love to finally "settle down" ... or would you recommend buying different places all the time? How do you guys handle your purchases?

    Appreciate that you made it throught the long text and looking forward to getting your input on all that. =)

  • Master
    9 Aug 2018, 3:03 p.m.

    Hello Adrian

    If you drop me an email, I can tell you a good source for buying a Big Pilot LPP

    Best Wishes
    Dick ("whichwatch")

  • Master
    9 Aug 2018, 7:32 p.m.

    Buying at an AD or boutique means being on the safe side of course. If you got a good one, you will get some discount (maybe not on all models). Most of the times you won't find the bargains like on the web sometimes. But I've seen and heard of a lot of fraud on the web as well. So it's always a good choice to be safe.
    And then the dealers should offer a good service and buying experience of course as well.
    What you told about your dealer really sounds like a bad experience and is not the regular style. I personally wouldn't buy there anymore.
    If they don't want to order you a new watch, I mean they don't like selling it? That says a lot about habits and mindset in my opinion. There are many other ADs and boutiques out there making an awesome job.
    I bought either way depending on what model (current or not). My last purchase was in the Schaffhausen boutique, ordered online and picked it up there. That was a great experience because the people there are fantastic.
    Anyway good luck with your choice and keep us informed hot it ended (watch pictures please).

    The wonderful Anna Signer from and in the Schaffhausen boutique
    My favorite location in Schaffhausen
    The city has more to show of course

  • 10 Aug 2018, 7:57 a.m.

    I did it ones bought a IWC watch at an AD (holland) and did not ask for dicount but for the opportunity to collect the watch in shaffhausen at their expence.
    And I went there met kurt klaus had a look at the museum got a nice dinner and the chance to meet a lot of fellow collectors (wich are still my friends).
    so be wise and negotiate that deal. ADs often visit Schaffhausen with there clients, so it is a winwin for all.
    good luck(!)

  • Graduate
    10 Aug 2018, 12:17 p.m.

    Thanks a million guys for your input. 
    I guess I´ll go and visit the AD I got introduced to and decide while I´m there if I like them and if I´ll buy there - otherwise I might do a weekend trip to Munic. =)

    Really like the idea of picking up the watch in Schaffhausen instaed of a discount. Great idea! 

    And I´ll definately upload some photos as soon as I get the watch. 

    @Dick - thank you for the mail. I´ll reply within the weekend. =)

  • Master
    10 Aug 2018, 4:53 p.m.

    Hi Adrean,

    So many options, LOL!!!!!

    I sent you an IG message, please check.

  • Apprentice
    15 Jun 2024, 9:05 a.m.

    I purchased an IWC watch from an authorized dealer in Holland without seeking a discount. Instead, I requested to collect the watch in Schaffhausen at their expense. This decision allowed me to visit the IWC headquarters, meet Kurt Klaus, explore the museum, enjoy a delightful dinner, and forge lasting friendships with fellow collectors. Negotiating such arrangements can be beneficial for both parties, as authorized dealers frequently organize trips to Schaffhausen for their clients, creating a mutually rewarding experience.