• Apprentice
    16 Jun 2024, 3:25 p.m.


    I bought the Pilot Performance Chronograph (69385 calibre) back in April and 34 days later noticed an issue with the chronograph's minute subdial -occasionally the minute hand would get randomly stuck, whilst everything else would continue as usual.
    I sent this in to get looked at by IWC and they weren't able to replicate it (on one try) and so blamed me for not putting enough power in it, despite me timing a walk on the first occasion it was noticed!

    The feedback I got was that the watch will know that it is running low on power and will redirect the energy to certain functions of the watch and away from others to conserve energy. This seems wildly unlikely, but does anybody know if this can possibly be true?

    I don't think this is the issue anyway, since as I mentioned, I was timing a walk and all other sundials of the Chronograph continued to function for over 3 hours before resetting on one test.

    I've had a serious of awful experiences with IWC servicing and after sales support, and so assume I'm being misled to keep me quiet and push me aside with this excuse, but any insights would be gratefully received!