• Insider
    31 May 2021, 7:43 p.m.

    Hi all,

    It's been a long time since I've been here on the forum. I have a question for
    those more experienced with early timepices. All cal. 74 movements that I've
    seen have had a frosted gilt finish. Has anyone came across a late cal. 74
    non-gilded (steel) movement with Geneva stripes?

    Feedback on this most appreciated.

    Thanks and regards,


  • 2 Jun 2021, 2:40 p.m.

    Hello Ian, I am not an expert on the ref325, but indeed I haven't seen other
    than the gilded cal 74's.

  • Master
    2 Jun 2021, 5:40 p.m.

    Ian, are you referring to a movement in a Ref.325 or a movement in pocket
    watch ?

    You actual post doesn't mention Ref. 325 but your header states Cal. 74 (Ref.

    more specifically then, I guess the real question is are you trying to
    "verify" / authenticicae a Ref. 325 or a pocket watch (or just pocket watch

  • Master
    21 Aug 2021, 5:17 p.m.

    Hi, may be a bit late.

    Yes, the c.74 in a nickeld finish with genava strips exist. I think those
    where made probably for the US market.

    Here a sample

    Sorry for putting my copy right on it; I find too many of my pictures in
    fantastic watch web pages.

    Kindest regards


    P.S. I think in a ref. 325 you can't find them (the c.74), as the nickeld
    where produced mainly as early

    P.S. PS.

    in the same period also c.73 als nickeled movements with geneva strips were
    produced; and there are even earlier movements c.73A nickeled without geneva
    strips, just maching signs (to be checked it this are full body "Neusilber"

    But filally the A-version became the "ordinary" c.73 (from the mecanical
    viewpoint but guilded)

  • Master
    21 Aug 2021, 5:31 p.m.

    Magnificent example Ralph - I now need to scramble to look at my c.74 's

  • Graduate
    27 Feb 2025, 2:48 p.m.

    Dear Ian

    If possible I’d like to discuss this with you, but as there’s no DM function here I’m hoping that by replying you may get an email notification.

    Warm regards
