• Apprentice
    15 Feb 2023, 1:25 p.m.

    Good morning ladies and gentelmen.

    My name is Victor, i live in a little town in the south of the Brazilian state
    of Santa Catarina. I have discovered this piece in my grandpa stuff after he
    died in 2016. Last month i delivered to my watchmaker who did some restoration
    in it (he didnt cleaned because of fearing to lose the indexes etc). I m
    looking for some more information about it. During my searching i only notice
    that it can be from 1943 to 1961...

    obs: do you recomend cleaning?
    ![](IWC OLD

  • Insider
    15 Feb 2023, 2:13 p.m.

    Hi Victor,

    if you could give us the movement number of the watch, we would be able to
    tell you at least the technical details of your watch.

    I speculate that the watch is equipped with caliber 62, due to the small
    diameter i see on the picture.

    Sine it is a family heirloom a restoration would be apropriate. However it'll
    be costly.

